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Quran And Knowledge Science

Alquran and Knowledge Science

No Surah of the Holy Qur'an will be found where Allah has not discussed directly or indirectly in acquiring knowledge. If you do not acquire knowledge, it is not known to yourself, cosmology can not be understood, Allah Almighty can not be recognized. "Read in the name of your Lord who created you." The main point of this study is to study all aspects of knowledge and science and to all sections of philosophy.

The most amazing thing is that in the holy Qur'an it has been found in various convergence statistics of the word "knowledge" that the word of knowledge (779) came in the holy Quran, as Allah Almighty said in the holy Quran-

"Say, those who know and those who do not know, can they be equal? ​​Only those who think about it are those who are intelligent.

(Surah Zumar: 9)Allah says, and say: "O my Lord, increase my knowledge."

(Surah Ta'ahah 114)

Allah says: "Those who believe and who are knowledgeable, Allah will raise their dignity, and Allah is aware of what you do."

(Surah Mujadilah 11)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The person who will walk in search of knowledge, Allah will make the path of Paradise easy for him, the angels spread their wings to satisfy the seeker of knowledge, all the heavens and the earth are in the sky for the seeker, even the fish below the water. The status of the scholar on Abed, such as the moon's status on all the planets and stars, is the heir of the Guardian. The Prophets companions did not inherit the dinar or dirham, which they inherit knowledge. So it made sense that he has received a full part. "
(Muslim Sharif)

By the century, in every branch of knowledge-science, Muslims were all-inclusive Along with the Holy Qur'an, they have studied all kinds of books on science and science, have done research. They realized the truth through research on the patterns of the nature created by AllahThey have studied wit and wisdom by reading books of holy Alquran and knowledge.

Among them are the oppressors - Ibn al-HayasamHe was one of the greatest physicists of all time. He was the first to offer the theories of reflection and refractory theory.

Jabir bin Haiyan Chemistry compiled the basis of Scripture.Ibn Sina, Jabir Hasan Bin Haiyan, Al-Razi's name are notable in medical science. The Latin translation of their written books was written in various Universities of Europe.

Max Myrhope said: "The development of physics in Europe is directly contributed by Jabir Ibn Hyian. The biggest proof of this is that in many different languages ​​of Europe, the terms used by him in various languages ​​of Europe are"

Aldemilly said: "When we look at mathematics and astronomy, we will be forced to say the words of the first generation of scientists and one of them is: Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarajmi"Therefore, we should acquire knowledge about science as well as the Quran.
an will be found where Allah has not discussed directly or indirectly in acquiring knowled Alquran and Knowledge Science

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