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Muslim Scientists And Their Inventions By Scientist

Muslim Scientists and their   Inventions By Scientist 

Muslim scientists and inventors, including Arabs, Persians and Turks, were probably hundreds of years ahead of their counterparts in the European Middle Ages.
The Muslims made innumerable discoveries and wrote countless Books about Medicine, Astrology, Surgery, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Geometry and various other fields.

This article discusses famous muslim scientists and inventors and their wonderful inventions.

 Al Baruni (973- 1048)

Abu Raihan al-Biruni or Abu Raihan Mohammed Ibn Ahmad al-Biruni Commonly known as Al-Beruni, he lived outside the city. In the eleventh century Al-Biruni continued his charismatic work and research, and gave new and significant progress in the study of various subjects - how the Earth's orbits rolling in. Introducing new field of research called bolology by integrating statics and motion. He was proficient in mathematics, astrophysicist, chemistry and natural science. Al-Biruni is a pioneer of geology. He collected hundreds of different types of metal and gemstones and examined them.

Ibn Sina (980-1037)

One of the best doctors of the Middle East, mathematicians, astronomers and philosophers Ibn Sina composed nearly hundred books on physics, philosophy, theology, geometry, mathematics, medical science, literature etc. He is the best doctor of the world at his time. He wrote books on medicine. His book Kanu Fit Tibb, which was read in the East and West universities and medical institutions until the nineteenth century. This book describes the relieving of many complex diseases.

Jabir Ibn Haiyan (721-815)

He was a philosopher, chemist and alchemist, engineer, astronomer and astrologer, physicist and pharmacologist and physician. He wrote about 2,000 books. In the history of the world, he invented the first method to practice the basic processes of chemistry in the scientific method. Along with chemistry, he contributed to medicine, minerals, especially philosophy, astronomy, stone, geology, geometry, etc.

Al Farabi (872-950)

Muslim scientist and philosopher Abunasa Mohammad Ibn Farah Alfarabi. His contribution to science and philosophy was highest. In physics, he proved the "vacuum" position. His contribution to social sciences, physics, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, medical science etc. was remarkable. Al Madinah Al Fazilah or the ideal city is his most famous book.

Al Batthani (858-929)

His real name is Abu Abdullah bin Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battyani. Al-Batthani first measured the accuracy of the fact that in a solar year 365 days 5 hours 46 minutes 24 seconds. Al Batteani was a mathematician and an astronomer. His speech was also clear about the sun and lunar eclipse. He proved that the apparent radius of the Sun decreases and increases. Al-Batthani with his own invented instrument proves that the sun is moving in its orbit itself. He established his own observatory for astronomical studies. Al-Batthani was a masseur astronomer and mathematician.

Al Kandy (801-873)

Al-Kindi was once a physicist, philosopher, scientist, chemist, astrologer, psychologist, astronomer, mathematician, cosmologist, logic, musician, and meteorologist. He wrote 265 Khana books on various topics. Al-Kindi established his own philosophical and scientific ideas while studying the philosophy of the elder. Abu Yusuf Yakub Ibn Ishaq al-Kindi was a scholar in various subjects like Alquran Sharif, Philosophy, Linguistics, Hadith Sharif, Astronomy, Fiqh, History, Politics, Mathematics etc.

Al Barqi

Zafar ibn Muhammad Abu Mashar al-Balakhi. He was also known as al-Falaki, Abul Masar, Ibn Balakhi. He was a disciple of Ibrahim Adham. He stressed the importance of dependence on Tawakkul or Allah. He was a famous philosopher, mathematician, Persian astronomer.

Al Saig

Name Abu Bakar Muhammad ibn Yahya Ibn al-Saig He is popularly known as Ibn Bazjah. His famous book 'Kitab al-Nabat' He was astrologer, philosopher, logic, physicist, poet psychologist and scientist.

Musa Al Khawar Jami (780-850)

Musa Al Khawarjimi claiming superiority among medieval Muslim scientists. His full name is Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa al Kharjimi. Musa Al Khawarjami was once geographer, mathematician and astronomer. He was a world-renowned mathematician. Along with being a mathematician, he was a noted astronomer. He translated many Greek and Indian books in Arabic to Arabic. He was the father of algebra, algebra. The Algebra, the English name of the algebra, was derived from his book 'Kitab Aljibar Wall Mukabila'.


Name: Noor Ad-Din Ibn Ishaq al-Baitrughi Al-Betragi was a philosopher and astronomer.

Ibn Hisham

Name Abu Ali AlHashan Ibn Al Hasan Al-Ibn Hisham. Ibn Hisham was once a mathematician, physicist, medical, astronomer, engineer, philosopher, psychologist.


The name Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakaria al-Razi or al-Razi He was a famous Islamic scholar. Al-Razi al-Kami wrote more than 184 books on medical science.
 were probably hundreds of years ahead of their counterparts in the European Middle Ages Muslim Scientists and their   Inventions By Scientist

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