Shab E Barat - Description Of 'Shab E Barat' And The Significance And Virtue Of The Shab E Barat'.
Description of 'Shab e barat' and the significance and Virtue of the Sabbath
'Shab e barat' is celebrated on the middle of the month of Shaban. The Muslim Ummah's night of prayer is 'Shab e barat' Night prayers, recitation of the Qur'an, recitation of Zakir, prayer etc. are in the worship. Illumination, halua-bread and fireworks fairs hit the holiness of the night.Hajrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah said,
when the night of half-night Shaban comes, you worship at night and fast on the next day. Because
Along with sunset every night Allahland descends to the earth and says, is there any apology? I'll forgive him. Is there any Rijik candidate? I'll donate him a rizq. Is there any danger? I'll rescue him. And this post continued till Sobhe Sadek.
(Ibn Majah)
In another Hadith, Irshad is in the language of Hazrat A'isha (ra); One half month of shaban
The Prophet (peace be upon him) was not available in the bed at night. It was found that he was visiting the graveyard in Jannatul Baki.
(Sahih Muslim)
Hajrat Abu Jar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, when you want to fast during the month, keep fasting on 13, 14 and 15. (Tirmidhi)
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "When Sha'aban becomes half of the month, when it comes to the night after 14 days, you awake that night and
Fasting the next day. '(Ibn Majah)
According to Hadrat 'Ali bin Abu Taleb (R), the Prophet (peace be upon him) that the night of fifteen shawans came, you will spend this night in worship and worship fast during the day.
Because, after sunset, Allah came to the first heaven and said, Is there any forgiving person? I'll forgive him What is there Which rijik candidate? I am
Give him a rijik. In this way till the time of Subhe sadiq, Allah said to them the need of the people, calling them.
(Ibn Majah, Hadith no.1384)
Hadrat Mu'adh bin Jabal (R) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had said that Allah Ta'ala looked towards the creation of the half-shawan night (on the fourteenth day of Sha'ban), and everyone except the polytheist and malice Forgive me
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The month of Sha'aban is my month and the holy month of bulan berkat is the month of Allah, He also said, keep accurate calculation of Shawana moon. Because the calculation of the Moon of Shaban is accurate, the Moon's account is correct
It will be helpful. (Miskat Sharif - 115)
On the merits of 'Shab e barat' the Hadith has been narrated in the Sharif - Ammajan A'isha (RA) said, one night I did not find the Messenger of Allah (স) and I went out to seek him. I went and saw
He is weeping at the eyes of Jannatul baki. The Prophet said to me, 'O aisha! 'Do you think that Allah and His Messenger will do injustice to you?' I said, 'O Messenger of Allah! No; I thought, maybe you have any other
The wife went to the house.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "O Ayesha, you know about today's night, Allah Almighty was sent down to the world's first sky on this night and more than the sheep of the calf
He forgives most servants.
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