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History Of Ramadan, Ramadan Rules, Ramadan Facts, What Is Ramadan Meaning.

 History of Ramadan, bulan ampunan rules, bulan ampunan facts, What is ramadan meaning.

What is ramadan meaning.

For the followers of Islam, the great blessing of Allah. The third pillar in the fifth pillar of Roza Islam in Ramadan. The word "Ramadan" literally means burning - burns, ignites or burns. In Ramadan, during the fasting of the slave, slave
By refraining from worldly desires and self-restraint and self-indulgence, he suppressed Ripu and gained the ability to become loyal to Allah.

 Ramadan facts, Fajilat of the month of Ramadan

  • Allah says: O believers! Rasah has been made obligatory upon you, as it was prescribed for those before you. So that you may be pious. (Baqarah 183)

  • Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) has narrated a hadith. He said, - When the month of bulan ampunan begins, the doors of grace are opened, and the gates of hell are closed and the satans are kept in captivity." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith: 3277, Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1079,)

  • The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, - The person who believes in Allah and His Messenger, performs the prayer, performs the zakat, fasting in the month of Ramadan, for him it is the right of the servant to enter him into Paradise. (Bukhari2790)

  • The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,- Every Muslim who is in front of Allah in the month of Ramadan, it is granted." (Ahmad: 2/254)

  • The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, - Every night in the month of Ramadan, an announcer continues to call upon him: O welfare seeker, proceed further! O the traveler of evil, stop the wrong way. (What do you know?) How many people are released from hell every night of this month. (Tirmidhi 682)

  • The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "The person's nostrils will be covered with dust, with whom the month of bulan ampunan came, and yet he could not forgive his sins." (Tirmidhi: 3545)

Ramadan rules

         1. Intercourse: Fasting is canceled after deliberate intercourse during fasting.

         2. Eat deliberately: If one deliberately drinks from sunrise to sunset, then its fast will be lost.

         3 Drinking food substitutes: Alternatives to saline or injections as food substitutes. But do not stop accepting the injections and saline foods that are not optional.

         4 Excretion of semen: If due to deliberate sperms due to various sexually transmitted causes or masturbation, the fasting will be broken.

       5 Deliberately vomiting in the face: If one vomits his face, then his fasting will be canceled.

When menstruation (menstrual) and nephus (maternal) begin: If a woman's menstrual bleeding occurs during fasting or if the condition of nephasses starts, then the fasting will be broken.

For the followers of Islam, the great blessing of Goddess bulan ampunan is the month of Ramadan. The third pillar in the fifth pillar of Roza Islam in Ramadan. Allah says: O believers! Rasah has been made obligatory upon you, as it was prescribed for those before you.  So that you may be pious. (Baqarah 183). bulan ampunan is not only fasting, but in all cases of life, must be careful in the order of Allah. The teachings of bulan ampunan to establish themselves as loyal servants of God fully. Allaah will give us the taufik of learning.
 The third pillar in the fifth pillar of Roza Islam in bulan ampunan  History of Ramadan, bulan ampunan rules, bulan ampunan facts, What is ramadan meaning.

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